
What does it sound like when your alternator goes?
What kind of sound does a bad alternator make? A common sound made by failing alternators is a very high pitched whining noise that you'll hear when t...
How much torque is required to spin car alternator?
How much force is needed to spin an alternator? An alternator has a normal range of operation. Most alternators need to spin at about 2,400 rpm at idl...
Kodėl naujas generatorius miršta 1994 m. Mustang GT po mažiau nei pusvalandžio veikimo?
Dėl ko gali sugesti naujas generatorius? Dažniausiai generatoriai sugenda dėl amžiaus arba naudojimo. Tačiau kai kurie kiti veiksniai gali sukelti gen...
Kaip modifikuoti altinatorių, kad jis įjungtų žemą apsukų skaičių?
Ar kintamosios srovės generatorius dirbs esant žemiems sūkiams? Tai yra alkūninio veleno skriemulio ir kintamosios srovės generatoriaus skriemulio san...
What is an alternator warning light?
What causes the alternator light to come on in a vehicle? If the light turns and stays on, it might be that your alternator isn't generating enough vo...
93 Ford Aerostar alternator light is on you had the alternator check and it comes out good what else should you check?
What fuse controls the alternator? There are 2 fuses for the alternator. One is usually a fusable link (wire) for connecting the stator diodes to the ...
Why would your fan belt and alternator belt stop turning and the engine still running?
What would cause a serpentine belt not to turn? It is likely that one of your ribbed or slotted pulleys has seized up causing your belt to be unable t...
How can you check the alternator on a 96 turbo Volvo?
How much does it cost to replace an alternator in a Volvo? Volvo S60 Alternator Replacement Cost Estimate. Labor costs are estimated between $186 and ...
What will happen if you put in the wrong alternator in your car?
Can you put the wrong alternator in a car? usually it won't fit, either the shape or the plugs will be wrong. Occasionally on less developed vehicles ...
How many amps of current flow through alternator brushes?
How many amps does an alternator field draw? It will vary depending on the size of the alternator but at idle just after start up with full field curr...
What does a car alternator do?
Can a car run with a bad alternator? Can a car run with a bad alternator? A car can only run for a short time with a failed alternator. The alternator...
How can you tell in need a new alternator for a 1997 Honda civic?
How much is an alternator for a 97 Honda Civic? Honda Civic Alternator Replacement Cost Estimate. Labor costs are estimated between $113 and $143 whil...