
Jei mano 2000 m. „Pontiac Firebird“ variklis vairuojant išsijungia, kokia problema?
Dėl ko automobilis visiškai miršta vairuojant? Baterija gali veikti tik tiek laiko, kol ji visiškai išsikrauna. Netinkamai veikiantis uždegimo jungikl...
Kodėl mobilieji telefonai turi būti uždrausti vairuojant transporto priemonę??
Kodėl mobilieji telefonai turi būti uždrausti vairuojant?? Naudotis mobiliuoju telefonu vairuojant yra ne tik pavojinga, bet ir neteisėta. ... Kadangi...
Vairuojant 1996 m. Firebird automobilis išsijungia ir negali paleisti iš naujo Kokia gali būti problema?
Kodėl mano automobilis miršta važiuodamas ir neužsiveda atgal? Problema gali būti su generatoriumi arba pačia baterija. Patikrinkite elektros sistemas...
Kodėl negalite ištraukti automobilio ir pastatyti jį prieš išjungdami variklį?
Kas atsitiks, jei išjungsiu automobilį prieš pastatydamas jį į parką? Tai nepadarys jokios žalos. Tiesą sakant, dauguma šiuolaikinių automobilių nelei...
If you shift your car from reverse to drive while rolling will it mess up your transmission?
Is it bad to change from reverse to drive while moving? Because of their hydraulic design, there are no hard mechanical connections between the parts ...
Are tv monitors against the law in your car?
Can you watch TV in your car while driving? Most states allow video displays in a vehicle, so long as they are not visible, in any way, from the drive...
Does the transmission on a automatic car mess up switching into drive or revers while car is still moving?
What happens if you shift into drive while reversing? Your vehicle will stall and you may hear a grinding noise. If by chance your vehicle is not equi...
Does the car turn off while in motion?
Can a car turn off while driving? Fortunately, an engine shutting down while driving is a rare occurrence, but it does happen. In most cases, there wi...
Can you use a cell phone while driving in Kansas?
Can you talk on your phone while driving in Kansas? Kansas Cracks Down on Texting and Driving Kansas is one of 47 states to completely ban texting and...
Is it safe to put fuel in a car with motor running?
Can I leave my car running while putting in gas? Technically the answer is you can. The reason is simple Directing gas into a fuel tank while a car is...
How put gas in a car?
Can I put gas in the car while it's on? But should you? Probably not. While there is a minimal chance of a fire occurring, leaving the engine running ...
Do you have to wear seat belts in a RV?
Can you ride in an RV without seatbelts? California Everyone in the vehicle needs to wear a seat belt. No exceptions for older RV models apply in Cali...