
Ar sutuoktiniai atsakingi už kitų sutuoktinių autoįvykį?
Ką daryti, jei žmona sudaužys mano automobilį? Jei kas nors kitas vairuoja jūsų automobilį ir patenka į avariją, jūsų automobilio draudimas greičiausi...
What do you do if after a violent argument your husband takes the car keys and will not let you and your children leave?
Can I make my husband move out? The short answer is yes, you can force a Spouse to leave the marital residence. ... An agreement between spouses on wh...
Az community property state exception laws regarding debt incurred by one spouse?
Does my spouse's debt affect me? In common law states, debt taken on after marriage is usually treated as being separate and belonging only to the spo...
If your car is in your name only can the bank go after your spouse for payments?
Can creditors go after my spouse for my debt? Even if your spouse opens up a line of credit in their name only, you could still be liable for that deb...
Jei pagrindinis automobilio savininkas yra automobilio savininkas ir miršta ir yra vedęs, kam priklauso automobilis?
Kas nutiks mano vyro automobiliui, jei jis mirs? Testamento vykdytojas yra atsakingas už testamente nurodyto turto paskirstymą, į kurį įeina ir testam...