
Did Sears and roebucks ever sell automobiles?
Did Sears sell Henry J cars? In the early 1950s, Sears sold the Allstate. It was a re-branded Henry J two-door car made by Kaiser-Fazer. That foray on...
Which department store once sold their own brand of cars?
Did Sears and Roebuck sell cars? In its early days, the Sears retail chain first sold vehicles to the American market under the name “Sears Motor Bugg...
Kada Sears ir Roebuck pagamino pirmuosius automobilius?
Kokį automobilį pardavė Sears ir Roebuck? „Allstate“ yra ženkleliu sukurta amerikietiško automobilio Henry J versija, kuri buvo pasiūlyta parduoti per...