
Ar registruoto savininko vyras turi teises į žmonos transporto priemones??
Kam priklauso automobilis santuokoje? Teisėjas gali skirti automobilį sutuoktiniui, kuriam jo labiausiai reikia, ir įpareigoti tą sutuoktinį sumokėti ...
Kas atsakingas už neapdraustą automobilį, stovėjusį priešais savininko namą, kai jis apgadintas kaimyno sukeltoje avarijoje?
Ar automobiliai yra apdrausti privačioje valdoje? Automobilio draudimas vargu ar padengs automobilio remonto darbus, atliekamus privačioje valdoje, pa...
What is the annual property tax rate for Mecklenburg VA?
What is VA property tax rate? Overview of Virginia Taxes With an average effective property tax rate of 0.80%, Virginia property taxes come in well be...
Can you report your car stolen by your wife if it is in your name only?
Can my wife take my car if its in her name? You need an order from the Court determining that the car is your non-marital property. If you are not abl...
Is rental software just software that is available for rent?
What does it mean to rent software? Purchasing software has a large upfront cost. It could be a large investment of company capital to get the softwar...
Is your car considered personal property?
Are vehicles personal or real property? Basically, personal property is any property that is not real property. Personal property is not permanently a...
What happens to a car when there is no will?
Can you keep a car after someone dies? Car loans are not forgiven at death so, if your estate can't cover the debt, the person that inherits the vehic...
Television sets automobiles are examples of what kind of personal property?
What are some examples of personal property? Everything you own, aside from real property, is considered personal property. This includes material goo...
Is Florida a community property state?
What is considered community property in Florida? No, Florida is not a community property state. In a community property state, any assets acquired by...
If a car is only in the husband's name can a wife take it at separation?
Can my wife take my car if its in her name? You need an order from the Court determining that the car is your non-marital property. If you are not abl...
Ar žmona gali pranešti apie pavogtą automobilį, jei jį turi vyras?
Ar mano žmona gali pasiimti mano automobilį, jei jis yra jos vardu? Jums reikia teismo nutarties, kurioje būtų nustatyta, kad automobilis yra jūsų nes...
Aš skirsiuosi, turiu žinoti, ar mūsų abiejų vardai yra automobilio registracijoje, ar žmona gali atsiimti automobilį, nors aš už jį moku?
Kas gauna šeimos automobilį skyrybų metu? Galbūt nustebsite išgirdę, kad skyrybų tikslais iš tikrųjų nesvarbu, kieno vardu registruoti jūsų automobili...