
How can you get your title back if you have filed bankruptcy and the lien holder did not show up for the meeting of creditors?
How do you get a lien removed from bankruptcy? If the lien remains after the bankruptcy, contact a bankruptcy attorney to file a motion to avoid the l...
Do you have to get permission from the bankruptcy trustee to finance another car?
Can I finance a vehicle during a bankruptcy? There are two kinds of bankruptcy that individuals can file Chapter 7 and Chapter 13. The type of bankrup...
You have not made the car payment as you are filling for bankruptcy- can the bank reposses your car if it is not parked in your parking space?
Can I keep my car loan if I file for bankruptcy? If you file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy and local bankruptcy laws allow you to exempt all of the equity ...
Where would you find records of past car loans which was finance by Bank One then loan went into bankruptcy and paid out by bankruptcy?
How far back does Official Receiver go? The official receiver will look into your financial affairs in the period leading up to bankruptcy. This will ...
If you have affordable auto insurance before filing bankruptcy based on good credit do you have to tell the insurance company you filed?
How does bankruptcy affect insurance policy? Bankruptcy for homeowners can result in insurers refusing to renew your policy. Insurance companies can a...
Ar galiu apsaugoti savo namą ir automobilį nuo bankroto?
Kaip neprarasti namo bankroto atveju? Federalinė vyriausybė, taip pat 42 valstijos, turi išimtį dėl sodybos, kuri leidžia asmeniui, pareiškusiam bankr...
Kada galima susigrąžinti automobilį po bankroto bylos iškėlimo?
Ar kreditoriai gali bandyti susigrąžinti turtą bankroto proceso metu? Paprasčiau tariant, tai verčia jūsų kreditorius nustoti bandyti iš jūsų išieškot...
Ar asmuo po bankroto bylos iškėlimo gali būti grąžintas į teismą?
Ar galima atšaukti pareiškimą dėl bankroto? Iškėlus bankroto bylą, nesvarbu, ar tai būtų 7 skyrius, ar 13 skyrius, ji negali būti visiškai atšaukta ir...
Ar bendraautorio bankrotas Merilande paveiks jūsų kreditą?
Ar Cosigners nukentėjo nuo bankroto? Jei esate paskolos pasirašytojas ir pateikiate bankroto bylą, jūs nebeatsakote už skolą, jei asmuo, su kuriuo pas...