
Koks kitas automobilio pavadinimas?
Kas yra senamadiškas žodis automobiliui? automobilis. daiktavardis. daugiausia amerikietiškas senovinis automobilis. Kaip vadinasi aptriušęs senas aut...
Kaip pavadinti kitą automobilio pavadinimą dykiniu?
Kaip vadinamas kamienas? — dar vadinamas bole. b(1) žmogaus arba gyvūno kūnas, išskyrus galvą, kaklą ir priedus liemenį. Kas vadinama dykiniu? Dicky y...
What is the front of the yacht called?
What are the parts of a yacht called? Berth The sleeping area of a yacht is the berth. Bow The front of the yacht's hull is the bow. Bridge All of the...
Why is a car called a car?
Where did the word car come from? Etymology of the Word 'Car' Derived From 'Carrus' Carrum means a wheeled vehicle. The word vehicle itself has origin...
What do you call a person who works on cars and trucks?
What is a person who work on cars called? See synonyms for mechanic / mechanics on 📙 Middle School Level. noun. a person who repairs a...
What do you call a building which cars and lorries are kept?
What do you call a building for cars? garage noun (CARS) a building where a car is kept, built next to or as part of a house ... The car's still at th...
Kaip jūs vadinate vietą, kur saugomi automobiliai?
Kokia yra automobilių saugojimo vieta? Gyvenamasis garažas (JK /ˈɡærɑːʒ, -rɑːdʒ, -rɪdʒ/, JAV /ɡəˈrɑːʒ, -rɑːdʒ/) yra siena, stogu dengta konstrukcija, ...